7 lessons of Artificial Intelligence for kids over 6+ years and their parents. Self-study course to be studied at home one lesson per week.
Has your child ever dreamed about having her own smart robot that would do anything she wanted it to do?
Do you want your child to learn about Artificial Intelligence (AI)?
Do you want to learn about AI yourself?

For whom?
This course is best suited for 6-8 year old kids. They do not need any prior knowledge about AI nor any special software or devices. They do need a parent to guide them through the course.
You will form a parent and child team and harness the power of imagination to design your own intelligent robot – the AI Robot.
While working on the AI Robot design, both of you will learn about AI.
Course is based on child-centered pedagogy supported by practical hands-on activities and discussions. Parent’s job is not to be the AI specialist with all the answers but to give support to the child’s thinking.
The course consists of 7 lessons. Each lesson comes with a detailed Parent’s Guide with instructions for the activities and instructional videos. It will take the parent about 15 minutes to prepare for each lesson and about 30 minutes to conduct the lesson with the child.

Lesson topics
- AI is all around us
- AI needs data
- AI needs sensors
- AI can reason
- AI can learn
- AI and humans
- The good and the bad with AI
The topics follow the AI4K12.org recommendations for what children should learn about AI.
Buy the course or try for free
Try a free demo of the 1st lesson. Full course currently available only in Hong Kong.
Course Summary
- Created by Code School Finland
- Follows AI4K12.org curriculum
- 7 lessons in total, 1 lesson per week
- Boosts child’s self-confidence
- Creates a positive attitude towards technology
- Parent will guide the child through the topics and have fruitful discussions
- No prior knowledge of AI required of parent nor child
- No special software or technology required