We are joining forces with STEM Research Center of Ministry of Education to bring AI to Chinese public schools.
More details: Education Management Information Centre and Chinese Education Information website.
The Ministry of Education of China is putting Artificial Intelligence (AI) Education onto the basic education agenda and investing in developing AI teaching in Chinese public schools. The Chinese Education Information Press STEM Research Center is launching an AI curriculum for grades 1-9 starting in 2020. Code School Finland (CSF) provides a wide range of services related to teaching and learning of coding, robotics and AI to different types of educators, organizations and learners.
The parties have entered into a long-term co-operation agreement to work together to develop and to provide teaching materials for classrooms, to grow the technological and digital skills of teachers, and to instill new pedagogical models for teaching Artificial Intelligence in basic education.
This partnership allows the parties to align their interests and incentives in achieving jointly agreed goals for educational impact.
The Chinese government has set 2030 as the deadline to integrate AI with the Chinese infrastructure. China is already the world leader in AI education with over $1 billion invested globally last year in AI education. AI technologies are vastly utilized in individual learning settings and in classrooms throughout the country. We wish to accelerate the growth and enhance the potential by educating students already from primary school level. We will lead the way and reshape how the world learns.
Mr. Sun, Director, STEM Research Center.
AI is now ingrained in every aspect of our lives. No matter what career path our children choose to pursue, AI will be an indispensable tool in their work and daily lives. China is taking steps to secure the future of their society by investing in AI education from early grades. We have created a world-class educational solution based on Finnish world-known pedagogy already available to Finnish children. This agreement is one more step towards carrying out our mission: to help every child in the world learn skills they will need in the future.
Kaisu Pallaskallio, CEO of Code School Finland
Code School Finland
Our mission is to help all children in the world to learn skills for the future by providing quality digital learning solutions. We have developed and tested our educational materials in Finnish schools in co-operation with teachers and educational developers. Our curriculum meets the objectives of the Finnish national curriculum.
We train teachers for programming, robotics and AI and help in deployment of our teaching materials in basic education or for after-school education.
We run children’s code clubs and camps for both Finnish children and international student groups.
For more information
Kaisu Pallaskallio, CEO
tel. +358 44 355 7355, [email protected]
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