Links and materials from the workshop
We wanted to save you from typing in all those web addresses. Please find all the links needed in the workshop conveniently here! You can use these same exercises and demo’s as part of your own classes. After the workshop we will add even more materials here for you, so bookmark us!
Quickly test teaching a neural network – contrast example
More exercises
Quick Draw Doodling
Draw with an AI
Semantris – semantic game
To try on your own
Talk to books
Listen to a music composed by an AI
Music example from Youtube
Make your own speech enabled digital assistant
The process involves a lot of steps, which are hard to remember. Please download accompanying quick notes for the tutorial to make your own digital assistant with Alexa. The notes are brief and are not suitable for self study. If you wish to have high quality material to teach and learn AI, please take a look at our Learning Material as a Service introduction web page.
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