Duration: half dayAge: 9-15 yearsLevel: beginner Read more:Pricing, Terms & Conditions
Hello Robot
Get creative and say hello to your own handmade robot with its own personality! You will learn to use the BBC micro:bit controller for quick and inspirational projects. Learn basics of programming and principles of automation during this fun-filled course. Participants will design and build their own unique robots that utilize sensors and even mechanics […]
Camp with Finnish students
Who 40 Japanese high school students with their teachers + 10 Finnish high school students When 4.3. – 8.3.2019 (during Finnish winter holiday week) Where Game Campus, Oulu, Finland What Robotics camp Teams of 5 people (4 Japanese and 1 Finnish in each team) Teams worked hands-on with Robotics Programming Electronics Product design. Teams designed […]
Ritsumeikan high school: coding camp in March 2019
March 2019 a group of 40 Japanese students made an educational visit with their teachers to Oulu to familiarize hands-on with robotics and also with product development of game and ICT companies. The purpose of the visit was also to learn about Finnish culture and to make new friends so we invited also 10 Finnish […]
New International Website is Launched!
As you are reading this it is obvious that we at Code School Finland have launched our new and improved website! We are the leading private company in Finland to teach programming to both children and adults. The codeschoolfinland.com site is focused on boosting our international business side, which includes for example running remote teaching […]
Connecting with the Other Side of the World
The class starts the way all programming classes usually start – we say our hellos and open our computers. We have been working on a game together, a fruit ninja clone, and first we remind ourselves what we did the last time. This time we will start by adding a new sprite to the game […]