Code School Finland’s solution has been selected out of more 3000 candidates
What makes Teachease a winning solution for schools?
“This innovation can easily be adopted by teachers all over the world as it offers resources, lesson plans, and technology teaching activities.”
“By providing a personalised programme to teach digital skills, and teacher training, this innovation impacts both teachers and students.”
Academy members
HundrED.orgPrestigious education innovation organisation HundrED has identified a number of factors that make a winning innovation:
Firstly, teachers must be at the heart of an education innovation. Their professional development is the key factor in promoting meaningful change in K-12 education. Teachease subscription service upskills teachers and supports them every step of the way.
Secondly, an innovative solution must empower students to learn the skills of the 21st century, also known as soft skills. This has always been at the heart of our mission at Code School Finland: our improved project-based learning model enables students to learn future-oriented skills.
Finally, a winning innovation requires student agency. Students must be at the centre of the learning experience. Teachease introduces the idea of the teacher as a coach, helping the student to look for the necessary information themselves or together with their peers.
Want to try it for your school?
A Gap Analysis is a short questionnaire that is sent to Code School Finland for review. Once we have reviewed your answers, we will send you a Development Plan – a report assessing your current situation, your vision, and how Teachease can get you there.